Notting Hill on cruise

Recently, one of my favorite gents who meets up with at Notting Hill escorts asked me to join him on a cruise. It was a transatlantic crossing, and I have to admit that I was a bit apprehensive. The idea of crossing the Atlantic filled me with dread, and at the same time, I was worried about putting on too much weight on the crossing. I have heard so much about the lovely food on cruises.


When we came on board the luxury cruise ship, it was clear that there was going to be a strong focus on food on board. When we sat down for our first meal, I noticed how nice the food was and I have to admit that I have a weakness for really good food. Still, my job at Notting Hill escorts of does not allow me to put on weight really, so I knew that I would have to be careful with everything that I put in my mouth.


One of the worst things that you can do on cruises is to drink too much alcohol. Most cruises now come with drinks packages and you can spend all day drinking. The truth is that alcohol drinks are extremely calorific and you have to be careful. I think that one glass of red wine per day may be good for you, but I am not sure that you should be drinking much more than that. I knew that my date from Notting Hill escorts was always careful with his drinks and I think that helped us both a lot.


Exercise is important as well. Instead of sitting by the bar all of the time, it is good to go for walk. Most cruise ships now have promenade decks and I did spend a lot of time with my date from Notting Hill escorts walking around the deck. During the day, there were tons of exercise classes available as well, so I took part in almost all of those. Along with going to the gym, I think that helped a lot as well.


The dinner sitting was the worst. The food was so nice and I could have ended up the size of a whale if I was not careful. My gent does enjoy his food, but I tried to encourage him to eat a bit less. Most of the time, we only ended up ordering the salad and the main course. When I got back home from the cruise, the girls at Notting Hill escorts were surprised that I had not put on any weight. It just goes to show that you can go on a cruise and stay healthy at the same time. With a little bit of effort, we can all do that. Remember to join in plenty of activities, and at the same time, make sure that you don’t put too much into your mouth. I know that it is not easy to resist all of those lovely snacks and special feasts that they arrange for you.

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